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Climbing: It doesn't matter what grade you climb; if you're a climber that's all that counts.

You know what it feels like to confront your fears, you have seen the best and worst of your friends, they have seen the same in you, and you know that this has given you a bond that most others will never feel.

You yearn for that indescribable moment of elation when fear and doubt turn to exhilaration as you finally send your project, whether it's a short, hard boulder problem or run-out multi-pitch.

You've seen that look of complete bewilderment in the eyes of non-climbers when you try to tell them what it is you love about your sport.

You know that grade does not matter; it's about the quality of the moves... the easiest route can hold as much enjoyment as the hardest, and the hardest for you is all that counts. You are your own competition.

You are a climber.


Solitude: No other sport gives you the opportunity to rely so heavily on someone else for protecting your life, and yet allow you complete solitude...

Connected to your belayer by a rope - the ultimate symbol of trust between climbers - you place your life in their hands and then set off alone relying solely upon your own abilities knowing that nothing else can get you through.

As soon as you are climbing you forget everything else and become immersed in the task at hand. The next move/hold, finding gear placements, staying on route, facing and conquering fear and looking for your next belay. Climbing clears your mind of all else. Despite the presence of your partner, it truly is just you and the rock until you are together at the top. And then you share that glow, knowing that you have both completed something individually and together.


Hi, and welcome to the Sand-Baggers Gear site. We are still in negotiations with the good people at FM-Tech, and the finer points of importing products still need to be worked out, however it will not be long before you can get your hands on some quality gear at a very reasonable price!

As Climbers it is our intention to cut the sales pitch crap and just give you what you need: Good gear, low price, great service.

Initially the range will be predominantly shoes, however Conrad at FM-Tech assures me that their clothing, chalk-bags and crashmats will be worth promoting as well, so watch this space!




















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